Ice Skating in Fresno

As a kid, I’ve always loved the winter season, as it meant snow and ice, and I sure do enjoy frolicking around in it. But that’s not readily available in Fresno; I’d have to go up the mountains, which isn’t a trip to be made often. Thankfully, I found out that Fresno ice skating, which will made do for its lack of winterness. There are two in fresno, Gateway Ice Center and Selland Arena.

During the pandemic, Gateway was closed for a while, but it reopened not too long ago. Gateway Ice Center offers public ice skating, as well as being able to rent ice skating shoes. This is great, since I’m not really that good at ice skating, having done so 4 times. The other ice skating rink, Selland, is a multi-purpose arena. It is where the Fresno Monsters (junior ice hockey team) play most of their games, though they do their practice over at Gateway.